Evaluation of Director Independence
In August 2024, the Board conducted an evaluation of director independence regarding the current directors and nominees for director based on the NYSE listing standards and Independence Standards. In addition, the Board also conducted an evaluation of the independence of each of the members of the Audit, Compensation, and G&N Committees in accordance with the requirements of the NYSE listing standards. In connection with this evaluation, the Board considered the responses provided by the directors in their annual director questionnaires and reviewed any relationships between each director or immediate family member and the Company, its subsidiaries, and their employees. As a result of its evaluation, the Board affirmatively determined that Messrs. Cohan, Gerard, Johnson, and Winter and Mses. Gupta, Mends, and Reich are independent, and that Ms. Piazza was independent up until her resignation from the Board on September 17, 2024. In addition, the Board affirmatively determined that each member of the Audit, Compensation, and G&N Committees is independent under all applicable standards, including Ms. Piazza up until her resignation.
Code of Ethics
All directors, officers, and employees of the Company must act ethically and in accordance with the policies set forth in the H&R Block Code of Business Ethics and Conduct (the “Code”). The Code includes guidelines relating to the ethical handling of actual or potential conflicts of interest, compliance with domestic and foreign laws, accurate financial reporting, and procedures for promoting compliance with, and reporting violations of, the Code. In support of the Code, we have established a number of channels for reporting potential ethics violations or similar concerns or for guidance on ethics matters, including via email, telephone, or in-person communications. All individuals have the ability to report concerns or discuss ethics-related matters anonymously.
The Audit Committee has also established procedures for the receipt, retention, and treatment of reports regarding accounting, internal accounting controls, or audit matters, including reports made to the Corporate Secretary by phone at (816) 854-4288 or by email to corporatesecretary@hrblock.com. The Code is overseen by the Company’s Chief Ethics Officer, who is appointed by the Audit Committee. To help ensure the Audit Committee’s effective oversight of our ethics and compliance program, the Audit Committee regularly receives reports from the Chief Ethics Officer and reviews matters related to the Company’s ethics and compliance program.
The Code can be accessed on the Company’s website at https://investors.hrblock.com/corporate-governance. The Code is also available in print to shareholders upon written request to the Corporate Secretary, H&R Block, Inc., One H&R Block Way, Kansas City, Missouri 64105. The Company will post any amendments to or waivers of the Code, to the extent applicable to any of the Company’s executive officers or directors as required under applicable rules, on our website.
Succession Planning
The Board recognizes the importance of effective executive leadership to the Company’s success. The Company’s Board is actively engaged and involved in succession planning. The Board discusses the talent pipeline for specific critical roles, and high-potential leaders are given exposure and visibility to Board members through formal presentations and informal events. More broadly, the Board is regularly updated on key talent indicators for the overall workforce, including economic environment, diversity, recruiting, and development programs.
Shareholders and other interested parties wishing to communicate with the Board, the non-employee directors, or an individual Board member concerning the Company may do so by writing to the Board, to the non-employee directors, or to the particular Board member, and mailing the correspondence to the Corporate Secretary, H&R Block, Inc., One H&R Block Way, Kansas City, Missouri 64105 or by emailing the correspondence to corporatesecretary@hrblock.com. In addition, our non-executive Chairman and other Board members have made and may in the future make themselves available for consultation and direct communication with significant shareholders.
Please indicate on any written correspondence whether the communication is from a shareholder or other interested party. The Board has instructed the Corporate Secretary and other relevant members of management to examine incoming communications and forward to the Board or individual directors as appropriate, any communication the Corporate Secretary deems relevant to the Board’s roles and responsibilities. The Board has requested that certain types of communications not be forwarded, and redirected if appropriate, such as: spam, business solicitations or advertisements, resumes or employment inquiries, service complaints or inquiries, surveys, or any threatening or hostile materials.