Dollar Tree, Inc.
Extract: Bylaws Amended/Restated (Plain English Desc) from a 8-K on 09/20/2023   Download
SEC Document
SEC Filing
On September 19, 2023, the Board of Directors of Dollar Tree, Inc. (the “Company”) amended the Company’s By-Laws, effective immediately.

The amendments to the By-Laws, among other things, revised certain provisions of Article V to (i) allow the Board of Directors and, in some cases, the Chief Executive Officer, additional flexibility to designate the officer positions of the Company from time to time, (ii) authorize the Chief Executive Officer to appoint and remove certain officers, (iii) remove the requirement that the Chief Executive Officer be appointed from among the Board members, (iv) delete the descriptions of certain minor officer positions, and (v) clarify an officer’s ability to delegate some or all of the duties and powers.

The Company also revised Article VI of the By-Laws to make certain conforming changes and to update the officers authorized to act on behalf of the Company to align with the Company’s current organizational structure.