MA SOC Filing Number: 202400176060 Date: 10/29/2024 2:12:20 PM
To: Page: 2 of 4 2024-10-29 14:07:13 EDT 16179041617
From: Dahrlena Mitchell
DocuSign Envelop ID: 4D03FC25-D944-4D56-A2E2-B9FF09DB71C4
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
William Francis Galvin
Secretary of the Commonwealth
One Ashburton Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02108-1512
Statement of Change of Supplemental Information Contained in Article
VIII of Articles of Organization
(General Laws Chapter 156D, Section 2.02 and Section 8.45; 950 CMR 113.17)
(1) Exact name of the corporation: Revvity Inc.
(2) Current registered office Address: 155 FEDERAL ST., SUITE 700 BOSTON, MA 02110
(3) The following Supplemental information has changed:
(check appropriate box)
☒ Names and addresses of the directors, president, treasurer and secretary (an address need not be specified if the business address of the officer or director is the same as the principal office location):
President: Please see attached
☐ Fiscal year end: ................................................................................................................................................................
(month, day)
☒ Principal office address: 77 4th Avenue, Waltham, Massachusetts 02451-7567
(number, street, city or town, state, zip code)
☐ Type of business in which the corporation intends to engage:
☐ Other:
This certificate is effective at the time and on the dare approved by the Division, unless a later effective date not more than 90 days from the date of filing is specified:
MA010 – 10/21/2024 Wolters Kluwer Online c156ds202s845950c11317 01/13/05
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Revvity Proprietary Information |
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4003FC25-D944-4D56-A2E2-B9FF09DB71C4
Signed by: ..............................................................................................................................................................................
(signature authorized individual) John L. Healy, Assistant Secretary
☐ Chairman of the board of directors,
☐ President,
☒ Other officer,
☐ Court-appointed fiduciary,
on this 28th.......................................................... day of October.............................................., 2024................................
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Revvity Proprietary Information |
To: Page: 4 of 4 2024-10-291407:13 EDT 16179041617 From: Dahrlena Mitchell
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4D03FC25-O944 D56-A2E2-B9FF09DB71C4
Revvity, Inc.
Identification Number: 042052042
Massachusetts Statement of Change of Supplemental Information
Contained in Article VIII of Articles of Organization
Section (3) cont.
Names and addresses of the directors1 president, treasurer and secretary
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Position | Name | Address | City | State | Zip |
President, Chief Executive Officer and Director | Prahlad R. Singh, PhD | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451-7567 |
Senior Vice President, Administration, General Counsel and Secretary | Joel S. Goldberg | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451-7567 |
Treasurer | Scott Bermudez | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451-7567 |
Vice President and Controller | Anita Gonzales | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451-7567 |
Assistant Secretary | John L. Healy | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451-7567 |
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer | Maxwell Krakowiak | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451-7567 |
Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer | Miriame Victor | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451-7567 |
Senior Vice President, Global Operations | Tajinder S. Vohra | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451-7567 |
Director | Peter Barrett, PhD | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451-7567 |
Director | Samuel R. Chapin | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451-7567 |
Director | Michael A. Klobuchar | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451-7567 |
Director | Michelle McMurry-Heath, MD, PhD | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451·7567 |
Director | Alexis P. Michas | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451-7567 |
Director | Sophie V. Vandebroek, PhD | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451·7567 |
Director | Michel Vounatsos | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451-7567 |
Director | Frank Whitney, PhD | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451-7567 |
Director | Pascale Witz | 77 4th Avenue | Waltham | Massachusetts | 02451·7567 |
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Revvity Proprietary Information |
MA SOC Filing Number: 202400176060 Date: 10/29/2024 2:12:20 PM
I hereby certify that, upon examination of this document, duly submitted to me, it appears that the provisions of the General Laws relative to corporations have been complied with, and I hereby approve said articles; and the filing fee having been paid, said articles are deemed to have been filed with me on:
October 29, 2024, 02:12 PM
Secretary of the Commonwealth
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Revvity Proprietary Information |